Wednesday, July 1, 2009

why so self-centered

At 1641,
I received a text message from Jen and she told me that we have an Amaths assignment due today.

I practically freaked and went to switch on my laptop.

I got so bloody pissed ok I swear, its like..

Firstly, Jen got to know it from her friend who's in another class, not our class
Secondly, its a FREAKING NEW topic that the lecturer havent teach yet
Thirdly, its due today. The goddamn deadline is today


IMO, someone in our class can't be arsed to spread the message. So freaking selfish ok. Can your conscience like, eat you up alive now? Crap, how considerate huh?

I would have got even more fumed but thankfully I studied that chapter when I was in secondary school. In my class there are people who didn't learn Amaths in secondary school, why so egocentric?! They're gonna suffer like that you know


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