I have had a great Wednesday!After our nonstop lab practical, lecture and tutorial from 9am to 2pm, the Js bff went to south canteen to eat! Hahaha Jannah and I had freaking lots of laughter, so much so it reached the peak, the climax ahahha (Y)
Then we took the bus to Yishun fire station for our National Activity heritage thinggy.
Had fun, I didnt fall asleep. Its so much better than last week when I was trying my best to stay awake at cityhall's fire station. I was really dozing off and yawning every minute, thats how bad it was last wednesday!!
Today this minahrep kept bullying and disturbing me during lecture.. basket
Escape the fate ♥
HAD FUN!!! More pictures over @ my facebook profile.
The stress level is up & as if you guys can see from my twitter, I got to know my commontest results yesterday night and I failed one module outta 5. Hahaha yeah its so dumb, not exactly sad cos I know I didnt study much for it. Surprisingly I passed microbiology, VERY SURPRISED!
Got back my thumbdrive containing OOP from Jonathan today. SWEEEEET!!!
Okay I'm gonna watch OOP until I sleep tonight.