Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thank you for fighting this battle.

Hello. I'm really glad to say this... I'm so pleased to see fatty's 2 humongous bloody wounds getting super better!! Like I can only see the pinkish part kind (which is his skin), no more red wounds. He has been holding onto this skin disease for almost 1 month and all I can do is to bring him to see the vet, forcing him to eat his meds (major challenge) and washing his cage almost every single day!!!!

I'm pretty amazed at how much effort I'm willing to put in just for this little small life. I love him alot, and I know it sounds pretty stupid if someone who doesn't like "rodents" hears this. Like who will love a hamster so much right? But I do, wholeheartedly.

So right now I really hope I get to celebrate fatty's birthday (I really hope he can live past 3 yrs) and I want him to celebrate my bday as well! He has already celebrated my 21st :) hahahah. And I really hope he can accompany me until I graduate from university. *flying kiss to my baby*, I miss you, even though you're currently situated just beside me :P

Life's a cycle. Still mundane, still trying my very best to keep up in classes and fighing very hard to keep myself awake during lectures (LOL).

2 years will fly by really fast, I hope..... 

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