Friday, January 11, 2019

2019 updates with xiaohong

Happy new year everyone!

Thank you to those who commented, your encouraging words, those that are riding and those that are taking their 2B courses now.

Yes, I'm currently still riding (~3 to 4 times weekly) and I do have plans to take 2A but I just haven't got the time to.

How's my experience so far on SG roads? I would say a good 75% and the rest bad.

Thankfully I haven't met with any accidents (I hope not, ever!)
But I have met a few incidents where I had to use my horn & high beam multiple times.

- Riding on AYE second lane. First lane was doing some road works and some bitch driver was speeding on first lane, suddenly saw the works and warning lights ahead... He immediately swerved into to my lane. He didn't care whether there's a bike but yes, he just turned to my lane and luckily I was alert enough to do a quick check on my left and move away

- Taxi drivers (actually this happened many times). Maybe they just assume we riders will always lane split and go fast. For me if there's no jam I most likely won't lane split I'll just take a lane myself behind a car. They'll high beam me.. And 1 case this taxi driver high beamed me, I moved away and let him go infront, he followed me, from lane 1 to 2 then 3 then drove damn near me wtf. Many times I just blacklisted taxi drivers (told myself to never support comfort delgro) and if I see them coming up fast behind me I'll just change lane first.

- Of coz the classic case of drivers not knowing there's a signal stick in their cars *rolls eye* Just change lane without checking blindspots.

Riding has really honed my reaction time skills hahahaha. I'm more aware, I check blindspots and mirrors frequently.

How expensive is it to own your own bike?
I would say mine is minimal. My petrol takes around $8-$10 weekly. I visit my workshop probably 2-3 times a year and hasn't spent much. I don't really "bling" my bike up so I guess that doesn't take up much $$.

Season parking, the concessionary parking is affordable, insurance, road tax just settle 1 time a year. Doesn't take up much time to do renewal.

So I would say maintenance of my vespa is good so far!

Nothing much to update about except my bike has really been very good for bringing me from gym to gym to teach my classes so I wouldn't have to take the public transport hahahaha.

If not..
Happy riding you guys! & be safe!

For those who're still taking your 2B, just enjoy the process! & don't think too much on ace-ing it. Thinking and reading back on my posts made me reminisce so much on those 5 months spent.

Have a fantastic year ahead and see you on the roads!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Paint job for little red.

Where is my little red now?

So recently I brought her for a spray paint job over at spray workstation (SWS, Pioneer point building)! Because of some scratched paint/rusting left by the previous owner and I couldn't bear to see those "incomplete" parts...

HAHAHA I'm beginning to devote my life and MONEY to this little red of mine.

I thought I was quite fussy about the choosing of colour already.. I took 1 hour because I was so overwhelmed by the amount of colours they have!! But the owner told me a guy took 2 hours to decide on the colour of his bike last week hahahha.

Just vaguely told the him, "I want red, a little brighter than the current one, but with some glitter (lol girls....)". Never knew red can come in so many different shades hahahaha. 

Can't wait to see the end results of her!


UPDATE, 11 JAN 2019:

This is a BAD workshop. It closed down already apparently.
They did a terrible paint job, though cheap, it didn't get the results he promised.

Owner even tried to hit on me when he has a wife.

Because of this shitty paint job I had to spend another good $950 on another workshop for my paint job.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

My very own (and first!) motorcycle

Hi everyone,

Today's the day!! The day I'm doing the transfer of vehicle. The day I've been waiting for since I was 18 years old, eyeing other bikers but I was allowed to take class 3 only.. Since I took my license when I was 24 years old. And now.. I'm almost 26 (lol I think I'm not shy to reveal my age here)..

I'm living my dream! 

Mummy and my sister insisted on coming along because afterall.. I haven't ride at all for 2 years! And of course they're really worried for me. So they wanted to see I could handle the machine.

My 2 worried family members. hehehe..

So LTA is located at Sin Ming Ave, rather ulu near industrial area.

Visit the LTA counter and the nice staff will be there to serve you even though its a weekend LOL. They close at 12pm though, so I think just try to reach earlier if you're going on a weekend.

I got my queue number and had to wait about 30 mins plus.

So for transfer of vehicles from seller to seller you have to have these 4 stuff:

1) A completed transfer of vehicle registration form between you and the seller (which can be found here!!)
4) Transfer fees of $11 (either by card or cash is fine)

The whole process was really quick! About 5-8 mins? After that congrats,


That was how happy I looked. I finally own a vehicle! Although not a car (not yet hopefully in the future? ;))

My very supportive mummy and my ever so worried sister... hahahaha.

My friend (who's a biker too!) stays across the road from me came all the way down to Sin Ming so we could ride home together, and so I can be safe, and also mummy and sissy will be more at ease. Plus I might feel kinda apprehensive about riding the expressway alone. I drive, and I also know how reckless drivers can be, lorry, trucks, cars, etc..

So he helped refresh my memory about whatever I've learnt since 2 years back wahahaha. Where to stop at traffic light junctions, lane changing, blindspots, uturns, slopes and more.

He even made this video for me titled "Joyce's first vespa ride!"

Thank you WH for spending your late morning helping me out!!! Thank youuuuu!!

Still have lots to settle, stuffs to figure out.. Like season parking, bike servicing, respraying my bike, buying of raincoats, safety riding gear, and many more to name.. Hopefully in time to come I'll get everything right!

Dear 小红, we are gonna create memorable fantastic memories starting today! And singapore roads, be nice to me and my little girlfriend. :)

Hope to see you guys on the roads too!

Friday, February 10, 2017

New bike?


I'm so surprised after so long, there are still people (*gasp!*) reading this little diary of mine. I'm sorry I haven't been active these years hahahah!

It has been a hectic (almost) 2 years at my workplace, which I'm loving and looking forward to going to work daily... And busy with my gym stuff.

So much so the thought of owning a motorcycle hasn't crossed my mind in awhile. Although I still eye bikers and their bikes and go "omg so chioooo" on the roads.


So recently my friend has gotten his 2A license a few days back and was looking to upgrade to a bigger bike! He asked me if I would like to buy his bike.

The passion and love for riding got reignited. 



Ride leisurely.. Not as a main form of daily transport to and fro work since my workplace is only 1.2-1.8km away from home.. Like 15-18 mins walk hahaa.

Probably a weekend ride... 

Plus! My height (and my short legs hahaha) is suitable for a scooter?


Can't wait to get things finalized.

I'll update this lil space soon!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Hello hellooooooooo!!

It's been 5 months since my last post, and my 2B licence is 6 months old.
Unfortunately this isn't a blog post about "my new motorcycle", (yes I'm pretty bummed too..)

Yes, I'm still not riding.. (yet!) In April, I was about to settle for a MSX125 when I got shortlisted for an interview for a full time position I've applied for later that month.

And since then, I've been working full-time from May until now! Reason why I didn't get my own transport is because my workplace takes only 10-15 minutes to walk from home, about 1.5km-1.8km. If I were to ride to work, it'll take me 5 mins or less?! Plus have to take into consideration season parking also, that wouldn't be feasible lah. I'll probably save up more money to buy a bike to ride leisurely in a few months' time? Or maybe my work will keep me busy and make me continuously procrastinate the idea to start riding on public roads.. So much until I lose interest how?! Hahahaha I hope not... :(

Anyway, I'm really glad to be able to talk to some of you guys regarding your 2B learning journey course! Either through my blog post comments section, via emails and facebook chat!!

I'll still be contactable at:
Email me @

Enjoy your 2B course you guys!!
