Friday, January 11, 2019

2019 updates with xiaohong

Happy new year everyone!

Thank you to those who commented, your encouraging words, those that are riding and those that are taking their 2B courses now.

Yes, I'm currently still riding (~3 to 4 times weekly) and I do have plans to take 2A but I just haven't got the time to.

How's my experience so far on SG roads? I would say a good 75% and the rest bad.

Thankfully I haven't met with any accidents (I hope not, ever!)
But I have met a few incidents where I had to use my horn & high beam multiple times.

- Riding on AYE second lane. First lane was doing some road works and some bitch driver was speeding on first lane, suddenly saw the works and warning lights ahead... He immediately swerved into to my lane. He didn't care whether there's a bike but yes, he just turned to my lane and luckily I was alert enough to do a quick check on my left and move away

- Taxi drivers (actually this happened many times). Maybe they just assume we riders will always lane split and go fast. For me if there's no jam I most likely won't lane split I'll just take a lane myself behind a car. They'll high beam me.. And 1 case this taxi driver high beamed me, I moved away and let him go infront, he followed me, from lane 1 to 2 then 3 then drove damn near me wtf. Many times I just blacklisted taxi drivers (told myself to never support comfort delgro) and if I see them coming up fast behind me I'll just change lane first.

- Of coz the classic case of drivers not knowing there's a signal stick in their cars *rolls eye* Just change lane without checking blindspots.

Riding has really honed my reaction time skills hahahaha. I'm more aware, I check blindspots and mirrors frequently.

How expensive is it to own your own bike?
I would say mine is minimal. My petrol takes around $8-$10 weekly. I visit my workshop probably 2-3 times a year and hasn't spent much. I don't really "bling" my bike up so I guess that doesn't take up much $$.

Season parking, the concessionary parking is affordable, insurance, road tax just settle 1 time a year. Doesn't take up much time to do renewal.

So I would say maintenance of my vespa is good so far!

Nothing much to update about except my bike has really been very good for bringing me from gym to gym to teach my classes so I wouldn't have to take the public transport hahahaha.

If not..
Happy riding you guys! & be safe!

For those who're still taking your 2B, just enjoy the process! & don't think too much on ace-ing it. Thinking and reading back on my posts made me reminisce so much on those 5 months spent.

Have a fantastic year ahead and see you on the roads!