Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Examination period.

22/2 - food business
27/2 - advanced food and industrial microbiology
28/2 - product design and development
29/2 - labeling and regulatory affairs
1/3 - advanced food chemistry

Falling sick.... On the first day of exams. This sucks so bad my head is burning like a thousand suns + headache occurring at night. Oh well... Time to go to school now for my first paper.

Gonna endure because I'm gonna graduate. No failing!!!!!

All the best to me! :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I know humans are selfish but you're my own......

Don't understand why someone so close to you can choose to nitpick over trivial matters just for the sake of their own happiness and satisfaction? Don't I matter to you anymore or is there someone to replace this ______hood? I feel as if we're not close to each other anymore and you rather spend your time with someone else and you don't care about this ______ anymore. I sometimes feel like a substitute.. I really want to spend some quality time with you but you rather do it with your __ and you ignore me, your ______ and this ______. We went through everything, so much together.. Now it just feels like we got replaced. This is very saddening to hear.

I'm so disappointed.

Friday, February 17, 2012


5 more days to the first exam paper to take. 13 more days to the last paper I'm gonna take in my final year poly life.

Well all that is based on the assumption that I won't flunk my exams and need to repeat any modules. That would really suck.

boredom kills. Don't really have the PUSH and determination to study just yet. Time is running out yo.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This is the last time.

We took a chance, made a choice when we met a detour. The road was rocky and unstable, I was skeptical and afraid. Finally, we met a dead end. There wasn't any obstacles, it was just an end, no way to go round it.

Our journey ended.