Monday, June 29, 2009

eating disorder


In school, Jannah and I always see this really really thin girl in our school. To be precise, she's in our course but in a different class.

And a few minutes ago Jen told us in a msn conversation that the really thin girl eats nothing but 1 FREAKING PIECE OF BREAD A DAY. Wholemeal or not, its still 1 piece of bread only. And during lunchtime she doesn't eat anything, not even drinking water.

Woaaa I'm really very disgusted!!!!111 *GAG*

Its very ironic, she's in food science, which is supposed to be beneficial to health and stuff while she's being anorexic (anorexic is an eating disorder in which someone starves himself/herself as he/she has a distorted image of himself/herself)

Okay I'm sorry I have to blog this because I'm really disgusted by it.

Wtf is wrong with you girls!? Eating is not a crime or a sin.
Just eat properly for heaven's sake. This is sooo not right!!!

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